Articles in this category Shift-Click Maximize Button to Fill Screen You know the red button on a window is close and the yellow one is minimize and the green one is maximize, right? Okay, so you also know that some Get to your Library Folder One of the “improvements” in Lion was to hide your Library folder from you. Okay, I get it. You shouldn’t need to muck about in your Library very often, but hey sometimes you do Take a Screenshot Ever need to take a screenshot of something on your screen? Maybe it’s an error, maybe it’s just a graphic, but you need it…but how? Easy. Command-shift–3 will take a picture of the entire screen and ... Control the Apps that Launch at Startup You know after a while your Mac seems to be taking longer and longer to finish starting up. Oh you see the Desktop okay, but then app after app loads. You have control over this. Just go to System Pre...